Application to Become a Peer-Reviewer, Graduate Journal of Food Studies
Please complete this form in its entirety to be considered for the Graduate Journal of Food Studies' pool of peer reviewers.
About the Graduate Journal of Food Studies
The Graduate Journal of Food Studies (GJFS) is an international student-run and refereed journal dedicated to encouraging and promoting interdisciplinary food scholarship at the graduate level. Published bi-yearly in digital form, the journal is a space for promising scholars to showcase their exceptional academic research. The GJFS is published open-access online and is the official journal of the Graduate Association for Food Studies (GAFS), which is the official graduate student caucus of the Association for the Study of Food and Society (ASFS). Learn more about GAFS and GJFS at and about ASFS at
Peer-Reviewer Application Questions
First Name *
Last Name *
Your Institutional or Professional Affiliation *
Program (i.e. American Studies, History, etc.) *
Degree Level (of program currently enrolled in) *
Email *
Anticipated graduation month and year (i.e. completion of program) *
Please compose a brief summary (about 100 words) of your qualifications to serve as a reviewer in the field of food studies, including academic background, any previous experience as a reviewer, any relevant publications, etc. *
Please list keywords (up to 10) that summarize your areas of expertise (e.g. food media, agroecology, distinction, artisanal production, cheese): *
In what disciplines do you feel comfortable reviewing materials?
not at all knowledgeable
somewhat knowledgeable
very knowledgeable
anthropology / sociology
literature / religion
cultural studies / ethnic studies
communication / media studies
English / rhetoric
area studies
rural studies
political science / economics
health sciences / nutrition / dietetics
Other (please specify below)
Ryd markering
If applicable, please list your historical eras of focus (e.g. 20th century, 19th century, medieval, antiquity, etc.) *
If applicable, please list your geographical areas of focus by country or region (e.g. United States, Europe, China, the Middle East, etc.) *
Please list theories, concepts, or theoretical frameworks that you feel confident about assessing (e.g. Actor-Network Theory, Bourdieu's distinction, intersectionality, etc.) *
Please list methods or methodological approaches that you feel confident assessing (e.g. ethnography, R, critical discourse analysis, etc.)
Is there anything else you'd like to share with us that has yet to be covered? (e.g. a response under "Other" above)
GJFS Reviewer Pledge
Please carefully read the pledge and sign your name below.
I understand that by volunteering to serve on the GJFS peer review board that I will periodically be invited by an editor to serve in this capacity. I will promptly confirm my availability (or decline if necessary). For peer review, I will return my thorough and helpful review within the review period set by the editor, typically 4 weeks, and will notify the editors should I be unable to deliver a considered report by that time. Failing to fulfill these terms reliably will result in my being removed from the pool of peer reviewer.  (PLEASE TYPE YOUR BELOW AS AN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF THIS PLEDGE, REPRESENTED BY THIS ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE) *
Thank you for your application to serve as a reviewer for the Graduate Journal of Food Studies!
Should you have any additional questions or concerns, please reach out to us by email:
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