Darien Public School Budget - Open Choice Wrong Choice / California Consultant
We are seeking your support to request that the Darien BOE and administration put a stop to Hartford’s Open Choice program in Darien and to stop any further involvement of California consultant Ken Shelton in Darien Public schools.

The Open Choice program allows students from nearby school districts  (in this case Norwalk) to attend public schools in Darien on a lottery basis. Once admitted into the Open Choice program, non-resident students must be allowed to continue their education in the receiving school (Darien in this case) until graduation (i.e. 13 years). This education will be funded largely by the Darien taxpayers, as the funds provided by the state ($3,000 currently but expected to increase to $4,000 per incoming student) are entirely insufficient to support this program and will ultimately be a detriment to existing Darien residents’ children. On average, Darien spends $23,000 per student annually, leaving Darien taxpayers funding the balance between the incremental cost per student and the annual grant.

Open Choice also results in larger class sizes for Darien students, as any classroom that is not at “capacity” will be open to add students from nearby districts.  This adds more pressure at a time when Darien’s enrollment from Darien tax paying residents is INCREASING and poised to see a significant influx of new students as 280+ condos are completed in town over the next 2 years.

While Open Choice may appear to have good intentions, the program itself does not ensure this objective will be achieved.  It is a lottery system, which means Darien could end up with well-off families taking advantage of the program to get their kids into Darien Public Schools at no cost. It is not the right program for our district and has not been properly budgeted.  The program is also a step toward school regionalization which Darien residents do not support.
As it concerns consultant Ken Shelton, we request this consultant's involvement in our school system to cease. Ken is not qualified for this position with no experience working with small towns on the east coast.  A typical Request for Proposal to determine the best option was not completed.  In addition, his views regarding grading, homework, and curriculum are counter to our values as a district; as are his controversial social media postings.

We would appreciate your support in these critical upcoming BOE decisions.
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Letter to Darien Board of Education
January 2022

Darien Board of Education
35 Leroy Avenue
Darien, CT 06820

Attn: Chairman David Dineen and Superintendent Dr. Alan Addley

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We, the undersigned Darien residents and taxpayers, write to state our strong objection to the Open Choice program that is being considered as part of the current budget process and to the hiring of DEI consultant Ken Shelton from California.

We urge each of the members of the Darien Board of Education to reject these expenditures from being included in the 2022 budget.

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