Subiranotasuna(k) aztergai Nazioarteko Kongresua 
EHUko Subiranotasuna Europako Herrietan (SEH) masterrak, Nazionalismoa ikertuz kongresuari jarraipena emanez, Subiranotasuna(k) aztergai kongresua antolatu du. Oraingoan, burujabetza kontzeptuaren inguruan lan egingo dugu. Finean, subiranotasunak botereaz jarduten du: nork hartzen ditu erabakiak eta noren legitimitatearekin? Zeintzuk dira aukerak? Nondik osatu begiradak? Zein izango da etorkizuna? Nortzuen esku egongo da? Gai zabal eta konplexu horri helduko diogu aurkezten dugun kongresuan.

Kongresuaren gai orokorra aintzat harturik, komunikazioak aurkezteko deia zabaltzen dugu. Interesa dutenek 2.000 karaktere arteko abstracta bidali beharko dute, bidalketa-epea irailaren 19tik urriaren 14ra izanik. Ondoren, Batzorde Zientifikoak urriaren 24rako jakinaraziko ditu onartuak izan diren proposamenak. Kongresuaren hizkuntza ofiziala euskara izango den arren, abstractak euskaraz, ingelesez, gaztelaniaz eta frantsesez bidal daitezke.



The UPV/EHU Master of Sovereignty in the Peoples of Europe, giving continuity to the Congress on Nationalism, organizes the Congress on Sovereignty (ies). This time, we will work on the concept of sovereignty. In short, Sovereignty deals with power: who makes decisions, and with whose legitimacy? Which are the options? How to complete the views? What will be the future? In whose hands will it be? We will address these broad and complex issues at the congress we are presenting.

Bearing in mind the general topic of the Congress, we call for communications. Those interested must send an abstract of up to 2,000 characters, with a deadline for submitting your proposals from 19 September to 14 October. The Scientific Committee shall then make known by 24 October the proposals that have been admitted. Although the official language of the congress will be Basque, abstracts can be sent in Basque, English, Spanish and French.

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