Fish Fry Meal Order Form
The Basilica School and the Knights of Columbus will resume its Lenten Fish Fry on March 4th. This year there will be a dine in and to-go option (curbside pick-up). This year enjoy baked or fried fish, coleslaw, rice, beans, conch fritters, bread and desert for $15.                                                    
Meals can be paid for and picked up between 5:45-7:00pm on the following Fridays: March 4th, March 11th, March 18th,  March 25th and April 1. Thank you kindly for your support.

If you are ordering more than FOUR  dinners, please submit the form twice.

** Cash and credit payment options at pick up**
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Name *
Phone number *
Date *
What would you like to eat? ( Meal 1) *
What would you like to eat? ( Meal 2)
What would you like to eat? ( Meal 3)
What would you like to eat? ( Meal 4)
Pick up time *
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