Debate on 8 May, 18:00 The Future of Farming in Europe 

Date and time 8 May, 18:00-19:30

Location: Restaurant Frederiksberg Rådhuskælder, Smallegade 1, Frederiksberg

Climate activists have been taken over by tractors as farmers have taken to the streets over legislative changes that are meant to address the climate impact of industrialised farming.

On 8 May, at Frederiksberg Rådhuskælder, we are going to talk about how we envision a new age of farming, of food security, of land protection and what agricultural innovation actually means and what the role of the EU should be. 

Alexander Holm, biologist and the expert behind the initiative Den Dyriske Time  and EU Analyst Rasmus Nørlem Sørensen will provide us with their expertise, followed by a panel debate with candidates for the European Parliament. 

The next European Parliament will have to tackle the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and envision new ways of empowering sustainable farming - but what will our candidates do and how do they plan to shape the debate if they are elected?


17:30 - Doors open

18:00 - Welcome, Mayor of Frederiksborg 

18:05 - Expert conversation with Alexander Holm (Den Dyriske Time) and Rasmus Nørlem Sørensen

18:35 - Panel discussion with candidates for the European Parliament elections, moderated by EU analyst Rasmus Nørlem Sørensen:

  • Anne-Sofie Sadolin Henningsen  - Radikale
  • Valentina Krast - Alternativet 
  • Frederikke Ellemann - Enhedslisten 
  • Tobias Marney - Moderaterne 

19:30 Programme end, possibility to stay for a beer 

If you are not a Danish citizen, but citizen of another EU country residing in Denmark, remember to register to vote:

This event is organised in collaboration with Volt Danmark, Alternativet, Nyt Europa, Amis- a more inclusive society and Last Week in DenmarkThe event is funded by the Europa-Nævnet. The content is the sole responsibility of the grant recipient.

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