Family Tales: This Is What My School Day Looks Like Questionnaire
Our series, Family Tales, is an honest peek into the daily lives of families across the country who are on this crazy ride we call parenthood!

In our school day diaries, we serve up a detailed and personal account of your daily life, as it relates to your school day routine. From perspectives of a stay-at-home-mom managing distance learning with a 1st grader and new baby to a family with three kids who are following a hybrid distance learning and in-person class model, we're here to provide an intimate and realistic portrait of your life. We want to know the good, the bad and the ugly, including schedules, what works and what doesn't, your frustrations and joys, and surprising moments you've experienced.  

All stories are anonymous. By submitting your information below, you agree to have it published on Red Tricycle and Tinybeans and you allow our editorial team to adapt or edit your submission for grammar, context and readability. One of our editors will reach out if she has any further questions to help us fill in the blanks. We can be reached at

Thanks for participating!
Erin Lem
Head of Editorial for Red Tricycle & Tinybeans
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Part 1: Your family info.
Tell us about your family to help frame your story.
Your name and occupation *
Your partner's occupation (if you co-parent with a partner) *
City you live in *
Kids ages and grades. If multiple kids and schools, do they attend the same school? *
What is your current schooling situation (homeschool, distance learning, in-person learning, hybrid, etc)? *
Part 2: Your school day diary
Please keep a diary of your school day (It should be in the first person.) Please break down your day into chunks like morning, mid-day, afternoon, evening and nighttime—or whatever periods of time make the most sense to understand what your day looks like. We want to hear specific details (even if you think it’s mundane) on anything related to your daily school day activities. For an example see this story here: *
Part 3: Answer at least FIVE of the following questions
Did you have a choice in your current schooling situation? If yes, what were your options and why did you choose this option?
Do you work? How has it impacted your work situation?
Is there anything you and your partner (if you are co-parenting with one) disagree on when it comes to your current schooling situation?
How have your kids reacted to the changes to their schooling situation?
What is the best thing about your current schooling situation? What is the worst?
What is the most surprising thing about this school year?
Have you bought anything that has helped this school year? If so, please detail why it's helped and provide links, if possible.
How is your mental health right now? What is one thing you wish was better and one thing you are happy with?
What is your favorite part of your day with your child/children and why is it your favorite?
How has the change (if any) in your schooling situation affected your family's finances?
What do you hope your children remember about this school year?
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