Igniting Souls Chapter Member Request
Who? — Igniting Souls Tribe members in designated regions around the world

What? — Chapters made up of Igniting Souls Tribe members gather for the purpose of relationship building, support, and ongoing connectivity beyond the annual Igniting Souls Conference and Facebook group

When? — Quarterly meet-ups

Where? — Live or virtual gatherings at group-determined locations

How? — Regional leaders will monitor a private Facebook group for their region and work with chapter members to determine dates, times, and locations for their quarterly gatherings.

The Purpose: An engaged tribe of souls on fire equipped and empowered to take their next best step so they experience more success and significance in work and life. As a result of personal and professional breakthroughs, they grow their influence, impact, and income and transform their worlds.

The Payoff: We ignite a true renaissance. There is a "rebirth" of belief, faith, joy, and life. Hearts are healed, souls unleashed, relationships restored. The wayward find their way back home. There is a return to who we were created to be. God is glorified and holistic abundance abounds.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Do you give permission to Igniting Souls to share your email address with your local Chapter Leader? (Chapter Leaders will only share information specific to chapter activities) *
Do you support the Igniting Souls Chapter Guidelines? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yFABxzAwdlIp1Ym7IOoEwZtVgwPf2Paj/view?usp=sharing *
Will you commit to attending your chapter's quarterly meetings? *
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