SKCEE Picture /Video Approval
This agreement constitutes permission to allow Stephen Knight Center for Early Education (SKCEE) to use photographs and video footage of your student as outlined below.
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Student's name (first and Last please) *
Student's Teacher *
I give my permission for Stephen Knight Center for Early Education (SKCEE)  to use my child's picture on the SKCEE Website. *
I give my permission for Stephen Knight Center for Early Education (SKCEE) to use my child's picture on SKCEE specific social media accounts (PTA Facebook, PTA  Instagram, SKCEE's new Twitter account). *
I give my permission for Stephen Knight Center for Early Education (SKCEE)  to use my child's  picture in the SKCEE Family Weekly Newsletter (which is posted on the SKCEE Website and sent to SKCEE families). *
I give my permission for my child's picture to be posted in their classroom and/or in the school building. *
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