CLA School Survey
The purpose of this survey is to receive feedback from our families prior to finalizing decisions for the 2020-2021 school year.
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Email *
Parent/Guardian First & Last Name *
Student(s) Grade Level for the 2020-2021 school year. *
Please select the grade levels of your child(ren).
Wajib diisi
Fall 2020 CLA Guidelines
All K-8 students will begin class on campus on August 10th.
Every student’s temperature will be taken prior to entering the buildings each day.
Masks may be worn by students/staff at their discretion but will not be required to do so.
Deep cleaning procedures will take place in classrooms and common areas in accordance with CDC guidelines.
Hand sanitizer will continue to be placed in all classrooms.
Students will not share any classroom materials such as crayons, pencils, markers, etc.
Only teachers may pass out and collect materials from students.
Parent volunteers/visitors are unable to volunteer in classrooms.
Any field trips will be conducted virtually.

Do you plan on sending your child(ren) to school at CLA beginning August 10th with the above guidelines in place? *
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