Early Morning Strings Registration- TONAQUINT FEEDER SCHOOLS 
Please Answer all questions. :) Rentals are limited, and will be assigned as responses are collected from this form. If you do not receive a school rental, you will be directed to rent from a music store.
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Email *
TIS Beginning Early Morning Strings meets at TONAQUINT INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL (1210 W Curly Hollow Dr, St. George, UT 84770) from 7:30 am-8:30 am Monday- Thursday. Friday Friends will study M-T and read more advanced repertoire on Fridays. *Friday Friends will be invited as progress is observed. For the most successful progress and respect for the orchestra team, It is important that students maintain attendance for this program. *
My Name is *
I am a student at *
My Parent/Guardian's name is *
My Parent/Guardian's phone number is *
I am in *
Mark the answer(s) that best describes you *
I want to play (or already play) the *
check out this video for correct sizing before you answer the next questions :) *
I Need a VIOLIN Rental from school *Parent will need to measure you for the correct size instrument. *
I Need  a VIOLA Rental from School *Parent will need to measure you for the correct size instrument. *
I Need a CELLO Rental From School *Parent will need to measure you for the correct size instrument. *
I Need a BASS Rental From School *Parent will need to measure you for the correct size instrument. *
My shirt size ($10 payable to Tonaquint Finance) *
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