Playtest Feedback - Ys: Age of Heroes
Promethiumbooks wants to get your feedback, thoughts, questions, and suggestions regarding the Ys:Age of Heroes! We review all responses and want to make the best game for you, the fans, that we can.
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Playtest type
Did you review this on your own or in a group setting?
What about the material HAS a 'Ys' feel to it?
Not Ys-like
What about the material DOESN'T HAVE a 'Ys' feel to it?
Was the material fun? In what way? Doing what?
Did the rules make sense? Were you able to complete what you intended to do? How did that go?
Editing / Errata
Are there any spelling mistakes, unclear rules, or references that point no where that you would like us to review?
Be aware this is not a complete ruleset so some references may be missing intentionally.
What, if anything, can we do to improve this product that hasn't already mentioned above?
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