AztecHacks 2024 Quantum Hackathon Registration

The SDSU Quantum Computing Club will be hosting a virtual hackathon beginning April 24th. The submission window will be open from 7:00 PM Wednesday, April 24th until 11:59 PM Sunday, April 28th (PDT). We will be announcing the winners on our website at the end of the event. We are offering cash prizes for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams.

The challenge will consist of 10 progressively difficult quantum functions that you need to implement based on their description using the Classiq SDK and platform( If you finish all 10 functions, there will be an open ended portion to submit a quantum program of your own design along with a writeup summarizing your program and its applications. To determine a winner, submissions will be evaluated based on their effectiveness and creativeness.

Collaboration is encouraged! Submissions can be individual or group, and only 1 group member needs to register. Groups may be as large as 6 members.

After registering via this form you will receive a confirmation email, a reminder on Sunday April 21st, and a link to the challenge with the submission guidelines on April 24th at 7:00PM. 

Spread the word, tell your friends, and good luck!

For San Diego locals, the club will be meeting on campus the evening of Wednesday April 24th to kick off the challenge.

*Note that the email you enter on this form is how we will be using to contact you if you win
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