FeelWise App Subscription Scholarship Application

Welcome! We're thrilled you're considering the FeelWise App to support you on your journey. The FeelWise Foundation is working to ensure that everyone who needs this app can access it, regardless of their financial situation. We recognize that you may be facing challenges where our app could make a real difference, but finances are a barrier. Thanks to the incredible generosity of our donors, we're able to offer free access for a year to a limited number of students on our waitlist!

Apply now, and we'll review your application to see if you qualify for an app subscription scholarship. If you're selected, we'll notify you as soon as we're able to pull you off the waitlist and grant you access to the FeelWise App. Your journey toward emotional well-being starts here!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your first name?  *
What is your last name?  *
What is your email? 
*This is how we will contact you if you've been accepted for a scholarship* 
Where do you live? (City, County, State)  *
What is your birthday (Month, Day, Year) 
*You must be 13 years+ to use the FeelWise App* 
What area(s) of your life do you feel you are struggling with the most? (Please select all that apply):
Why do you want access to the FeelWise App and what are you hoping to get out of it?  *
What features of the app are you most excited about using?  *
If you feel like sharing more about what you're going through or anything else you think we should know, feel free to share it here. Your thoughts and feelings matter to us and our donors!
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