Out-of-School Need-Based Analysis: Pre-Service Teacher Survey
Dear Pre-Service Teachers,

This questionnaire has been developed for the project titled “Developing an Out-of-School Learning Curriculum for Teacher Education Programs (DOSLECTEP)” within the scope of Erasmus + EU Strategic Partnerships (KA203). Within the scope of the project, an out-of-school learning curriculum will be developed to be used in “Out-of-School Learning Environments” courses offered at the undergraduate level at teacher education programs. We need your views to contribute to the development of this curriculum, to identify important points to focus on out-of-school learning and to reveal your expectations from the curriculum. In this context, we expect you to answer the following questions sincerely. Your personal information and responses given to the survey will be kept confidential and will not be used for any other purpose. You can send us your opinions and questions by contacting us at okuldisiogrenme@gmail.com

Thank you.

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Your gender: *
Please choose your major(s) in teaching programme:  *
If you select the Other option, please indicate it.
What year are you in your study program? *
If you select the Other option, please indicate it.
1) What is your understanding of the term out-of-school learning? Please, write it in a few sentences. *
2) What is your view/perception of out-of-school learning setting? Please, write at least 5 different out of school environments that pop-up your mind. *
3) Would you prefer to use out-of-school learning settings during your teaching? *
1 – Never, 2 – Almost never, 3 – Occasionally/Sometimes, 4 – Often
Please explain the reason of your selection above: *
Where would you prefer to go for out-of-school learning visit?
If you mark 2, 3, or 4 in question 3, answer it.
What kind of activities do you do in an out-of-school environment?
If you mark 2, 3, or 4 in question 3, answer it
For what kind of concepts/topics do you prefer to use out-of-school learning?
If you mark 2, 3, or 4 in question 3, answer it.
4) Do you see any risks during out-of-school learning activities? *
List possible risks:
If you answer "Yes" to the question 4, answer it.
5) If your answer "Yes" to previous question, how would you cope with the risks you would face (if any) during an out of school learning activity?
6) Have the courses that you took during your teacher training program contained out-of-school learning content? If so, please briefly explain to what extent? *
7) Do you think that teachers need special training for teaching in an out-of-school learning environment? Please explain your answer briefly. *
8) Would you attend a course focusing on out-of-school learning?
1 – Definitely not, 2 –  Probably not, 3 –  Probably, 4 – Definitely
Definitely not
Clear selection
9) What type(s) of teaching techniques and strategies can be used in out-of-school learning? *
10)  Using out-of-school learning in education increases student’s positive attitude towards the subject. *
11) Using out-of-school learning in education increases student’s motivation for learning. *
The deep learning style is characterized by genuine student’s interest in the educational content, and understanding the nature and relations. Individuals having this learning style are distinguished by their ability and willingness to search for the meaning and to use similarity in describing ideas in an integrated manner, in addition to connecting new ideas with old experiences; they also tend to use evidence and argumentation in their learning.

The surface learning style is usually driven by extrinsic motivation. Students tend to avoid failure and to gather better grades with making minimum effort to learn. Recalling the facts and memorizing without deeper understanding the content is often observed in this learning style.

The strategic (utilitaristic, pragmatic) learning style is often characterized by student’s caginess and the tendency to endear to the teacher. The student tends to reach success at any cost. He is, however, not interested in the content of learning. Frequently, the student is driven by the desire for the personal prestige in a competitive environment.

12) Using out-of-school learning in education affects student’s learning styles (deep, surface, strategic). *
13) If you agreed with the previous item, what change in students’ learning style would you expect? You can choose more options.
14) Using out-of-school learning in education increases the efficiency of teacher – student communication. *
15) Using out-of-school learning in education improves relations between teacher and student. *
16) Using out-of-school learning in education increases the efficiency of student – student communication. *
17) Using out-of-school learning in education improves relations between students. *
18) Choose another discipline(s)/major(s) that you can make connections in an out of school activity. *
If you select the Other option, please indicate it.
19) Can you please describe interdisciplinary connections in an out-of-school setting with an example? *
20) List examples of the technology that you would use in your classroom. *
21) List the 5 different technologies that you would use in an out-of-school environment. *
22) How would you integrate technology in out-of-school learning settings?  *
23) Please discuss an out-of-school learning assessment/evaluation and an in-school learning assessment/evaluation in terms of their similarities. *
24) Please compare an out-of-school learning assessment/evaluation with an in-school learning assessment/evaluation in terms of their differences. *
25) Out-of-school learning helps teacher to improve obtaining the feedback from the process of education. *
Summative assessment is used to evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit. It is usually connected to system of grades.

Formative assessment is used to monitor student learning to provide ongoing feedback that can be used by teachers to improve their teaching and by students to improve their learning. It is usually not performed by the system of grades.

26) What type of assessment would you prefer in order to assess students during performing out-of-school activities?
Summative only: *
1 – Strongly disagree, 2 – Disagree, 3 – Agree, 4 – Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Combined: *
1 – Strongly disagree, 2 – Disagree, 3 – Agree, 4 – Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Formative only: *
1 – Strongly disagree, 2 – Disagree, 3 – Agree, 4 – Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
27) When you consider an out-of-school learning as a whole, what kind of assessment/evaluation tools do you use and at what stages? *
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