Human Rights Quiz
Test your knowledge on Human Rights
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1. Human rights are basic _______ and _______ to which all humans are entitled. Everyone is equally entitled to human rights without _______.

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2. How many articles are there in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)?

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3. When every member of a society is given the same access to society and its benefits, this is called ______________.

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4. Which international treaty protect the rights and dignity of all people with disabilities.
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5. Children have human rights just like adults do.

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6. Human Rights Day is observed every year on 

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7. The word democracy means:

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8. The State of Mauritius has set up______________ independent National Human Rights Institutions.

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9. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), was adopted by the UN General Assembly in

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10. Chapter 2 in the Constitution of Mauritius enumerates the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual.

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