Minecraft Bi-Monthly Gameplay Agreement
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Minecraft Requirements & Rules
Age Requirement for the Minecraft Servers *
By selecting the following, you acknowledge that you meet one of following age requirements.  
Rules of Conduct
Understanding the rules is important to providing a fun, safe time for everyone on the server. The breaking of any rules
will result in one warning. If you break a rule a second time, you will be switched to Adventure Mode until you have agreed to adhere to the rules below. If something is
considered illegal or wrong at school, then it is most likely not tolerated on the server. The rules listed here are subject
to change at any time. If you have a complaint, please let the librarian and/or volunteers know immediately either in-person or in the game chat.

Gameplay Rules:

1. No griefing. Griefing is defined as the destruction, theft, or modification of something that you did not build or
gather without given permission.
2. No explicit or offensive builds, which includes but is not limited to hate symbols, curse words, genitalia, or builds
harassing players or towns.
3. No explicit or offensive player skins, which includes but is not limited to naked skins or those with swastikas or
other symbols on them.
4. No large builds intended to deface the map/landscape. Removal is at the discretion of the moderators.
5. No hacks or client mods.
6. No purposely exploiting bugs for any reason.
7. No bypassing any punishment with an alternate account or other method.
8. No causing server downtime via any malicious method.
9. No excessive spawning of creatures.

Chat Rules:

1. Be respectful of all other players.
2. No cursing, which includes words that when said aloud sound like curse words.
3. No insulting, harassment, teasing, name-calling, or bullying.
4. No spamming, which includes spambots, repeated identical messages, random text, repeated letters in words,
or multiple short lines in quick succession.
5. No server bashing, as in no insulting the server staff or the server itself.
6. No discussions on politics, religion, or any other topic that is controversial.
7. No posting malicious or explicit web links, and no advertising.
8. No impersonation of any website, server, or library staff.
9. No ASCII art
10. No continued use of wrong chat channels, especially the help channel.
By typing your full name below, you are acknowledging that you have read and understood the Rules of Conduct and agree to abide by them. *
By typing your full parent/legal guardian's name below you are acknowledging that your parent/legal guardian has read everything above and has ensured that you have read, understood, and agreed to the server Rules of Conduct. *
Questions? Comments?
For any questions or comments about the library's Minecraft server or Minecraft Bi-Monthly, please email here: vencolib.minecraft@gmail.com
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