Pre-Visit Survey
Visit Inquiry
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Email *
First and Last Name

Email *
Phone Number
Preferred Method of Contact *
Please Read and Write "Acknowledge" Below: Wolf Connection is home to wolves and wolf-dogs that are sensitive to energy, quick movements, loud noises and other animals. For the health and well being of our pack, the minimum age to visit is 7 years old and no other animals may be brought to wolf connection, even if they remain in your car. 
Is anyone in your group under 18?
Is anyone in your group pregnant or nursing? This does not exclude them from visiting, we just need to be aware as some of our wolves may react differently or be overly curious in them. Our staff is trained in managing interactions and this knowledge will help us do so more effectively.
Type of Visit *

If you're part of a school, youth organization or Corporation please list your Organization name here.
How many people are in your group?
Preferred Date For your Visit
Preferred Time for your visit (please read below) We are located in a high desert climate. Tour times are based on temperature and host availability. Tours start as early as 10:30 AM and as late as 1:00 PM. Other times may be considered, but we always prioritize what is best for the wolf pack. Please try to book at least two weeks in advance. 
If you don't have a preferred date and time, please enter your preferred day of the week and how soon you'd like to schedule your visit:
Questions or comments? - Please let us know if anyone in your group has physical limitations so the team can be prepared.
By clicking SUBMIT, you are submitting a REQUEST TO BOOK A VISIT, this is not confirmation that your visit has been booked. A team member will reach out to you shortly to discuss your visit options and send you an invoice. Thank you for your interest and we look forward to introducing you to the Wolf Connection Pack!
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