Indication of Interest to Work with Tejas Gokhale
Thank you for your interest in my lab!

If you're a BS/MS/PhD student interested in working with me, please fill this form.  DO NOT send a separate email -- if you fill the form I will automatically get an email update.  If you have information to share that is not covered by the questions below, please use the "Additional Information" text box.

Note that filling this form does not constitute an application to any programs at UMBC. You would still need to apply formally for the PhD program -- more information can be found here:

My website for more details:
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Email *
Name *
Current Position and Affiliation *
Currently enrolled in *
Seeking position *
Years of Experience Working in Machine Learning
Years of Experience Working in Computer Vision
Link to webpage
Link to CV/Resume *
Name, Position, Email of at least 2 recommenders (one per line)
If you're a UMBC student and have worked with other faculty, please mention their name and email (one per line)
Mention one of your favorite papers and why!
Mention one of Tejas' papers that you find relevant to your interests and why
Programming Languages/Libraries you have experience with
What are your interests outside of computer science? (Example: Tejas loves history)
Mention three of your favorite books/movies/songs/TV shows/podcasts and why (one per line)
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