Study on LGBTQ+ Ads in the Indian Scenario
Hi, I am Praveena, studying BBA Honours, specializing in Marketing.

For my final year dissertation, I am trying to understand the appeal and growth of LGBTQ+ advertising in the Indian context. LGBTQ+ stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer, with the '+' denoting the inclusion of various other sexualities and genders.

Please fill this survey for my research. It would take 5-7 minutes of your time.

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Age *
Gender *
Sexual Orientation *
Occupation *
What are your feelings towards the LGBT Community? *
Do you recall seeing an LGBT-inclusive advertisement? *
Can you think of any brands that have engaged in LGBT inclusive advertising? *
If yes, please mention those brands
Please watch this advertisement and answer the questions that follow.
How did you feel about the brand after seeing the advertisement? *
Did your perception of the brand change after you saw this advertisement? *
How often will you forward/share this advertisement to others either through social media or any other means? *
Did you develop a preference for this brand over its competitors after seeing this advertisement? *
Having seen this advertisement, will you buy/continue to buy it’s products? *
Do you think LGBT inclusive advertisements such as the above should be made? *
How important do you think it is for more brands to engage in LGBT-inclusive advertising? *
Do you feel like brands are being honest and really mean what they say when they make LGBT inclusive advertisements? *
Does it feel like brands make LGBT advertisements mostly for profits? *
Do you think in the next 5-10 years, LGBT inclusive advertisements will become more common? *
What kind of implications do you think LGBT advertisements have on society?
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