Submit a guest post pitch for the Just Go Grind newsletter!

Submit your pitch to write a guest post for the Just Go Grind newsletter! The newsletter goes out to ~20,000 people each week, more than half of those being founders.

No prior writing experience is required, but I'll only publish high-quality posts! It may take a couple of weeks to get back to you, but I'll try to review your pitch as soon as possible. 

What Im looking for:

  1. Posts focused on helping founders
  2. Posts that are are well-researched, in-depth, and/or come from your own unique expertise
  3. Posts that are unique, not published elsewhere
  4. Posts that are highly-actionable

Some example guest post topics could include:

  • Lessons from building your company
  • Mental Health / Psychology
  • Marketing / Growth / Sales
  • Fundraising
  • Leadership
  • Hiring
  • GTM
You're not at all limited to those though! If you have something people often ask you about or a huge lesson you've learned through your own experience building a company or anything else creative you can come up with that would be helpful for founders, submit your pitch!

You'll be able to include:
  • Two links. One to a social media profile of your choosing and one to whatever else you'd like to promote. 
  • A couple of sentences about who you are and what you're building.

Thank you!
E-pasta adrese *
Your Full Name *
Twitter Profile URL *
LinkedIn Profile URL *
Your Website
What would you like to write about?
(Feel free to share an outline, title, or anything that'd give me a good idea of what it would be)
What are some examples of your previous writing?

(DM me on Twitter @justingordon212 if you want to send more details)
Anything else I should know?
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