Class of 2021- Please read carefully
2020-21 Schedule Choices
All 12th Graders are required to take a 4th English course ,this leaves 6 class periods for you to "vote" for which classes you would like to see offered next year. If you have already been approved for SRTC, please put that as your first choice. ALL SENIORS need to be checking your transcript on TYLER and making sure you have met all the requirements for GRADUATION. Transcripts are very easy to read, all required credits are listed and all credits you have received are listed. Make sure you are filling in ALL credits you need other than 1 Comm. Arts. Due to limitations (time, teachers, etc) not everyone will get their top choices, but every effort will be made to meet the interest of the majority of the students. To help you make your choices, you can view all course descriptions in the Course Catalog; please go to the Wildcat drive and HS courses are in the front of the document.
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First Choice: Please choose 1 year-long course OR 2 semester-long courses. *
Second Choice: Choose 1 year-long course OR 2 semester-long courses. *
Third Choice: Choose 1 year-long course OR 2 semester-long courses. *
Fourth Choice; Choose 1 year-long course OR 2 semester-long courses. *
Alternate Choice: Choose 1 year-long course OR 2 semester-long courses. *
Math Choice: Choose 1 only (need 3 to graduate), if you already have 3 MA credits you may skip a MA course this year, but if you are college bound it is recommended to take an upper level MA course this year. *
Science Choice: Choose 1 only (need 3 to graduate). If you already have 3 SC credits, you may skip taking a SC course this year. *
English choices: You may choose more than 1 CA course to take this year. You need 4 CA credits to graduate. If you are getting an Embedded CA credit from SRTC, it is highly recommended that you still take an additional CA course this year. *
Social Studies Choices: You need 3 SS credits to graduate. Make sure you have passed 1. Am. History, 2. World History, 3. Government. If not, mark which course you still need to pass to graduate. In the optional choices, Am. Wars & Holocaust is a SS credit. *
Have you taken/passed a Fine Arts course? One is needed to graduate. *
Have you taken/passed PE or Body Conditioning? One is needed to graduate. *
Have you taken/passed a Practical Arts course? Most business classes, Ag classes, and FACS classes are PA courses. One PA credit is needed to graduate. *
Have you taken/passed Health? 1/2 Health credit is needed to graduate, this is a semester long course only. *
Have you taken/passed Personal Finance? 1/2 PF credit is needed to graduate, this is a semester long course only. *
Lastly, you will need 8 Elective credits to graduate. Electives are anything that is over the required credits above... such as, if you take 4 science courses, one of those courses would roll over into the elective category. List below how many Elective Credits you have at the end of your Junior year. *
Are you interested in the A+ Scholarship program? You need to have 2.5 Cumulative GPA, 95% Attendance from freshman year to end of junior year - and maintain both throughout senior year. Score proficient or advanced on Algebra I EOC, if you did not make this score, we can work around it so still mark yes if you want to earn free money for college!! *
If you marked SRTC above, you should've already applied and been notified that you were accepted. If you've gone through these steps, please list which program you are going to be taking.
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