Dirty panels lose up to 30% of efficiency! Solution: AI-powered Solar Panel Cleaner
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are developing a new product for automated solar panel cleaning and would appreciate your insights.
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What is your current situation regarding solar panels? *
Property Type *
For how many years have you been using solar panels?
What is the size of your solar panel system (in kilowatts)?
  How often do you currently clean your solar panels?  
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What method do you typically use to clean your solar panels?  
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What is the biggest challenge you face when cleaning your solar panels?  
Imagine a solar panel cleaning system that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to determine the optimal cleaning time based on factors like weather and dust accumulation. The result is an autonomous cleaning system that maximizes your energy output.
 Would you be interested in learning more about such a system?  
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What features would be most important to you in an automated solar panel cleaning system?
Considering the benefits of an AI-powered solar panel cleaning system, what is the maximum price you would be willing to pay for such a system (including installation)?

Professional Solar Panel Cleaning companies charge around 120€(variable) for 25 solar panels(one household)
In your opinion, would a direct purchase model or a subscription model be more appealing for an AI-powered solar panel cleaning system?
Is there any additional information you would like to share about your experience with solar panels or your thoughts on automated cleaning systems?  
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