Application Form
Dear Applicant,
Thank you for your interest to take part in our Erasmus+ projects. Please fill this form to complete your application. We will inform you about the selection results immediately. Then you will be able to plan your flight and share it with us for confirmation. Buying ticket and sharing an electronic copy with us will be your final step to have your seat in the project.

This form enables you to apply just for one project but feel free to send more application forms and apply more projects. We will be happy to see you in different groups.

Please visit this link ( for infopacks. Some projects may not have infopack yet. We will add infopacks to this folder as soon as we prepare the.

If you have any question please feel free to ask us via email.

ILA Team

Чтобы сохранить изменения, войдите в аккаунт Google. Подробнее…
Which project are you applying for? *
Your Name & Surname *
Your Date of Birth *
Your Gender *
Are you a citizen or resident in the Netherlands? *
City of your residence in the Netherlands? *
Your E-mail *
Your Phone Number *
Please inform us about your dietary needs. *
(food requirements, vegetarian, vegan, or doesn't eat certain products due to allergies or strong preference)
Can you please explain your motivation for taking part in this project?
(max 1500 characters)
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