Care Economy Narrative Change Table Submission Form
With support from the Care for All with Respect and Equity (CARE) Fund, Asset Funders Network, Disability & Philanthropy Forum, Early Childhood Funders Collaborative,  Economic Opportunity Funders, Grantmakers In Aging, and Grantmakers In Health joined together to develop a national landscape analysis snapshot of narrative change and strategic communications efforts across the care economy, including child care and early learning, paid family and medical leave, and long- term services and supports for older adults and people with disabilities, with a focus on users of care, paid care workers, and unpaid family and friend caregivers. 

Data collected from January-June 2023 through online research, a funder survey, field interviews, and a funder focus group to help inform a table of project/organizations and summary of findings. 

Narrative change is an emerging field, with funders and practitioners actively shaping the field as they go. As such, we think the most effective approach to determining a guiding framework for the project at hand is to build on the latest research on narrative change in the philanthropic and nonprofit sector. To determine the scope for this project, we leveraged existing best practices, research, and resources from Convergence Partnership and Pop Culture Collaborative. View a detailed overview of our project framework here.

You can contribute to our table of narrative change and strategic communications efforts across the care economy by completing the survey below.

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