Everything junior golfers need to know about life, golf can teach them! 
Courtesy, integrity, and confidence are just a few of the character traits golf teaches. Each week of camp focuses on the FUNdamentals of the game including:
Fitness Putting Chipping Irons Woods Scoring Etiquette And Much More!
US Kids Master Top 50 Instructor Chuck Scoggins has put together a high-quality golf instruction program that meets the needs of the newcomer as well as the more advanced junior. The program will bolster confidence and create consistency, two ingredients necessary to learn the game and lower scores.
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What is the junior's last name? *
What is the junior's first name? *
What is the junior's age? *
 Please select gender.  *
Are there any medical issues (allergies, etc.) that we need to be aware of concerning your child?
If not, please indicate with "no." 
Please choose the week your junior will attend camp. 
The cost of each camp is $225.00. 

The cost of one week's camp is $225.  How will you pay?  *
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Parent's First and Last Names
Please provide the best cell phone number for contact.
North Georgia Golf Academy, LLC, has my permission to publicly use my or my child’s photograph to promote the Academy. I understand that the images may be used in print publications, online publications, presentations, websites, and social media. I also understand that no royalty, fee, or other compensation shall become payable to me by reason of such use.  
Please type your name below to represent your signature. 
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