What do you need and how we can support?
The Peace Alliance would love to know better how we might be able to be of service to educators in these turbulent times. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.
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Are you currently serving as an educator (teacher, administrator, support staff)? *
Please state your position in education here.
How many years have you been in education, including 2021-2022 year? *
Which of the following best describes the level of student you currently serve? *
Please describe your experience serving as an educator this school year (2021-2022) *
What supports do you need from your colleagues? *
What supports do you need from your administrative team? *
What supports do you need from parents? *
What supports do you need from non-profit organizations such as The Peace Alliance? *
On a scale from 1-10 how satisfied are you being an educator this school year: *
Very dissatisfied
Very satisfied
Any additional comments or needs you want to share with us.
Your name and email (optional)
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