JACL Teacher Training Workshop - Sacramento, CA

Several times in our nation’s history, political leaders have been faced with balancing constitutional rights with issues of national security. These decisions were colored by many factors, including wartime hysteria, misinformation, sensationalized media, and racism. The workshop session will cover the historical background of the Japanese American incarceration during World War II, connections to current events and other communities, and the ongoing lessons of discrimination, civil liberties, and justice.

JACL workshops make explicit the lessons of the WWII Japanese American experience through content that emphasizes the universal issues of identity, community, patriotism, civil rights, and justice that continue to be relevant. Including perspectives from community activists and former incarcerees!

Saturday, June 29, 2024 from 9am - 3:30pm PT (Check in begins at 8:30am)
Workshop attendance includes: Credit Hours for qualifying school districts, refreshments, lunch, and JACL teaching materials California Museum - 1020 O St, Sacramento, CA 95814

A $5 registration fee will be collected later (more information at the end)

This workshop is sponsored by the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) National, Sacramento JACL, the California Museum, and the Sacramento City Unified School District.

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First Name *
Last Name *
Best Email to Contact You *
Grade Level and Subjects Taught *
Example: 8th grade - history, social studies, civics
What school district do/did you teach for? *
What is your interest in learning about Japanese American history?  *
What experience do you have with Japanese American history? *
Dietary restrictions
There will be some provided meals/snacks and want to ensure everyone has options! If you have any allergies or other dietary restrictions please list them in "other." 
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What option would you like for lunch?  *
All lunches will be a Japanese Bento box with rice and side dishes. The only difference will be the main protein.
Do you need any special accomodations? We will do our best to accomodate all attendees. 
Are you willing to share your name/email with other teachers after the program?  *
If there any questions you have currently please let us know and we can answer them as soon as possible!
Payment and Additional Information - IMPORTANT!
A link to pay your $5 registration fee for the program will be sent later alongside additional information for the workshop program. This small fee helps us to hold your spot in the program, as well as offset some of the costs for materials, rentals, and food. Please keep an eye on your email, you will receive updates from Education Program Manager, Matthew Weisbly, at the email: mweisbly@jacl.org. You may also reach out to him for additional information at anytime. Thank you for joining us!
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