Kaleidoskoop Pre-selection 04.05.2023
The registration deadline is 02.05.2023 at 23:59.
 In the Kaleidoskoop pre-selection, all the teams have to pitch for 3 minutes and after that, the judges will ask questions for 2 minutes. Teams can pitch in Estonian or in English.  
Login ke Google untuk menyimpan progres. Pelajari lebih lanjut
Team name *
Are you part of the STARTER programme? *
Name of the team leader *
Team leader's e-mail *
Team leader's phone number *
What problem are you solving (2-3 sentences)? *
Short description of your solution (2-3 sentences). *
What progress have you made so far (2-3 sentences)? *
Link to slides (without animations or videos) or send in pdf format to hannah.kaarma@ut.ee 
Teammates names and field of study: At least 50% of members have to study at universities, vocational or general education schools. *
Press the "submit" button and you are all done. Thank you!
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