【Speaker Submission 2025 】EXO Berlin
You can use this online form to submit a speaking proposal. After you have submitted your form, a copy will be sent to your email address supplied.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email info@exo-berlin.de and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Your information submitted through this form will not be shared with marketers or 3rd parties. Your organization's name, logo, image, talk title and product/technology description may appear on the exo-berlin.de site and in the event promotional materials.
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Email *
Before you get started, please note:
To complete the registration, you will need to upload the following:
- An image that represents your proposal.
- A brief summary of your proposal (120 words max.).
- Up to 5 keywords that describe your proposal best.
- A PDF file for catalogue entry. How to create your file → See Here
Alternatively, you can send the requested files (images, .PDF page for catalogue entry) by a separate email to complete your submission.
(IMPORTANT: If a speaker is also an exhibitor, the PDF page for the catalogue entry will need to be different from the one on their exhibitor profile. Otherwise for duplicate content there will be only one page published.)
Please indicate your application type *
Academic talks are only applicable to research centers, institutes, research programs and initiatives.
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