Puzzle Bots Prototype Feedback
Feedback is anonymized, please be honest in your responses.
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About how many minutes did you play the Puzzle Bots Prototype for? *
How confident are you that you understood the gameplay mechanics?
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Did you try the local multiplayer feature?
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How would you rate the difficulty of the AI opponents?
Too Easy
Too Difficult
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What is the likelihood you will play PuzzleBots again in its current form?
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Which of the following features, if any, would most increase your interest in the game? (Rank according to preference)
1 - Not Interested
5 - Very Interested
A story-driven single-player campaign.
Bot customization (Additional, swappable weapons & abilities)
Online Versus Multiplayer
Co-operative Multiplayer
Mobile platform support
Alternative control schemes
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If one or more of the above features were implemented, how likely would you be to play again?
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Did you experience any bugs or unexpected behavior?
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If yes, can you describe what you experienced?
Any additional comments or suggestions?
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