Park Project Family/Community Survey
We have an exciting announcement for everyone! Board President Jason Samples and I have been in communication with George and Jill (Wagner) Bowers and are pleased to announce their intent to establish a community park, encompassing nearly 35 acres, in honor of her parents, Holly and Kay Wagner, and her brother Mark. As owners of the 35 acres, George and Jill are planning to donate this ground for the community park. The land is located east of our Danville schools, off of Gerdes Drive. They have established a board to help oversee this project which Mr. Samples and I are both a part of. As one of the first planning steps, we would like to seek input from students, staff, families, and the community about what everyone would like to see in the park. Please take a few moments to complete the survey below. The survey will need to be completed by December 1st. We are very excited about this project and what it means for the future of Danville!
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Email *
Name (Optional) 
Number of school age children (4-18 years old) in your home. *
Are you a resident of Danville? *
What would you and your family like to see done with the 35 acres and park project? *
What amenities are most important to members of your household? Choose your top three. *
What would be your number one priority for a park in Danville if you are only able to suggest ONE thing?  *
Describe how you (and your family) would like to use the park, based on what amenities you chose above. *
If you would like to be involved in the planning and/or building process, please provide you contact information below.  *
Name, Phone Number, and Email Address
Please share any thoughts or questions you have regarding the future of this park?  *
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