Rancocas Valley Singers Audition Form
Please answer the following questions with as much information as you'd like to share with us! Please note, we rehearse on Tuesday evenings in Mt. Holly from 6:30-8:30pm and our concert is on Saturday, 6/8. For your audition, you will be asked to come prepared with a short patriotic song of your choice (ex. Star Spangled Banner, America the Beautiful, My Country Tis of Thee, etc.. ) The audition will also involve some vocal exercises as well as a tonal memory portion.
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Email *
Your Name *
What voice part are you most comfortable singing? *
Please briefly describe your prior choral/singing experience.  *
On a scale of 1-5, please self assess your ability to read music. (1 being "I cannot read music" and 5 being "I am extremely comfortable reading music.") *
On a scale of 1-5, please self assess your ability to memorize and hold a choral part. (1 being "it is difficult for me", 5 being "I am extremely comfortable"). *
Is there anything else you would like to share with us about yourself?
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