1a. Three Questions
This lesson is from Honeycomb_ class VII  . Part - 1
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Click on the link given below and listen to the audio recording of the text from part- 1  and answer the following TRUE/FALSE questions.
The three things the king wanted to know were ' What is the right time to begin something?' ' Which people he should listen to ?' and 'Who is the most important person to listen to? *
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Many wise men came to the king, but they all answered his questions differently *
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'Prepare a timetable & follow', Do whatever seemed necessary at that time' , 'have a council of wise men' and ' consult a magician' were the answers given by the wisemen for the first question. *
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Science, fighting and religious worship were the answers given for the second question *
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The wise men suggested Councillors,  priests, doctors and soldiers as the most important people and they should be rewarded *
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The king was not satisfied with the answers and gave no reward to anyone *
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The king went with his horse to meet the hermit. *
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The hermit did not give any answer and went on digging *
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When the king got tired, he gave the spade to the hermit and took rest *
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The hermit lived in a tree house *
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