Website Redesign: Community Survey
XXXXXX is creating a new website in collaboration with Copilot: Web Services for Nonprofits & Mission-driven Businesses

We would love to have your feedback and input on how the new website can be the best it can be! The information you share in this short survey will help us create a site that better meets the needs of our community.

The deadline to complete this survey is XXXXX. Thank you for your feedback!

If you have any questions/comments/concerns about the survey or the website project, in general, please contact XXXXX at XXXXXXXXX.

The current website can be found at XXXXXXXX.

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How often do you visit the existing website?
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How often do you refer someone to our website?
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What do you feel are the strengths and weaknesses of the current website?
What do you feel is missing from the current website that you'd like to see added to the new website?
Please share any comments you’ve received from community members about our current website.
Are there any websites from other agencies similar to our organization that you think we could take inspiration from? If so, please include a link and share briefly what you like about that website.
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