NOT Your Pink Drink Contest!
We look forward to reviewing your submission! Finalists will be chosen and invited to participate in our live cocktail contest with judges from our sponsor Jim Beam and special Bourbon Women judges.

Submissions due by: July 22nd @ 6pm.

Professional Category: The Joy Perrine Bartender Award, $250 Cash Prize, Cocktail Featured at 2019 SIPosium Chef's Collaborative Lunch (8.24) & a Complimentary Ticket & Guest Ticket for the Chef's Collaborative Lunch (8.24 @ 12pm).

Amateur Category:  The Ava Gardner Award, $250 Cash Prize, Cocktail Featured at 2019 SIPosium Chef's Collaborative Lunch (8.24) & a Complimentary Ticket & Guest Ticket for the Chef's Collaborative Lunch (8.24 @ 12pm).

-- Submission must use a Jim Beam Product (Approved Products are: Jim Beam White; Jim Beam Black; Jim Beam Rye; Jim Beam Bonded; Knob Creek Small Batch; Basil Hayden’s)
-- Drink must not be pink (red wine floats are acceptable; "Cosmo Pink" is not acceptable)
-- No egg whites
-- Recipe must be Bourbon with no more than three (3) additional ingredients (ie: 4 ingredients total)
-- Garnishes, glass rinses, glass rims are not included in the ingredient totals
-- Must be 21+ and live in the US to enter
-- Must be available for Live Cocktail Contest in Downtown Louisville on the evening of August 12

-- 10 finalists will be chosen & notified by July 30th at 7pm
-- Finalists will be announced on Social Media & will participate in the live Cocktail Contest
-- Finalists will provide cocktails for judges & cocktail samples (1/2 pours) for event attendees ((Finalists must be able to provide ingredients for at least 95 cocktails. Ice , Spirits & Cups will be provided, and a small prep area will be available 1 hour before the contest begins for fresh ingredients. All equipment must be provided by the finalist))

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