Meet KAIST Student Ambassadors from China.
A. Name: Xu Xin
a. Country of Citizenship:
b. Matriculation:
2023 Fall
c. Enrolled Degree & Program:
PhD-Brain and Cognitive Sciences d. Research Interests:
Brain-computer interface, Value alignment in human-robot collaboration, Reinforcement learning e. Before Joining KAIST:
- Bacherlor's Degree in Beijing Institute of Technology
- Master's Degree in KAIST
B. Name: Tang Jia
a. Country of Citizenship: China
b. Matriculation: 2024 Fall
c. Enrolled Degree & Program: M.S-Material Science and Engineering
d. Research Interests: Wearable Materials
e. Before Joining KAIST: Bachelor's in Electronics Science and Engineering, Jilin University
For other online meeting schedules and additional information on HCK, please visit our Instagram page: