BSFI's NFI Film Club Registration - THE TRAILS BEFORE US
Welcome to the NFI Film Club registration page for THE TRAILS BEFORE US, a film following 17-year-old Nigel James, a Diné mountain biker as he hosts the first Enduro race in the Navajo Nation. Through revitalizing old sheep and livestock trails on his grandparents’ land, Nigel and a new generation of riders honor the connection to their land, community, and culture.

By registering you are signing up for BSFI's LIVE virtual discussion, which we are still locking in, with Big Sky Film Institute's Director of Education, THE TRAILS BEFORE US film team and Montana Office of Public Instruction Indian Ed Specialist Mike Jetty. In addition to your free screening link, you will be provided curriculum materials to help provide proper context and integrate this powerful film into your classroom teachings. 

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Full Name:
Phone (available during school hours)
Subject Taught
School town, county, state
Grade Levels
Number of students
What is your class's block period? (This allows us to accommodate teachers who's schedule doesn't perfectly align with our scheduled Q&A time)
The following topics are contained in the Essential Understandings Regarding Montana Indians. Based on your need/interest for curriculum materials to support these topics, what areas of Indian Education for All are you most interested in exploring?
What documentary filmmaking subjects are of interest to you? Click all that apply.
What do you know about the significance of trail systems to various Indigenous groups in North America?
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