SWMS Family Engagement Evaluation/ Needs Assessment
Parents and Searcy Community Members,
As we look forward to a new school year, we are seeking your feedback to help guide us in our continuous improvement process. Please complete the following survey knowing that all responses are anonymous.

Thank you for your time,
SWMS Counselors and Administration
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Does SWMS engage with parents to create plans for student success? *
Does SWMS regularly discuss and share student progress with parents? *
Does SWMS provide information in families' home languages? *
Does SWMS make efforts to include single parents or full-time working parents? *
Does SWMS use a variety of forms of communication (phone, note, web updates, etc.)? *
Does SWMS encourage an active network of families and educators working together? *
Does SWMS provide free, useful workshops/conferences to families to help promote student success? *
Do SWMS staff members express a positive attitude toward parent and community involvement? *
Are families treated with respect and dignity by SWMS staff? *
Does SWMS provide outreach to help families feel welcome? *
Does SWMS offer families opportunities to share in setting program goals? *
Does SWMS encourage families to talk about their concerns? *
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