Free Man Run Registration form 曼城自由跑報名表格
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First Name: *
Surname: *
Register for: *
Contact Number (for WhatsApp):
Contact Number (for voice calls, if you don't want to be contact by Whatsapp):
Email Address: *
Have you run a Half Marathon or Marathon before: *
Date of your last race/run: *
Type of last race/run: *
Specific needs: 
Emergency contact name: *
Emergency contact phone number: *
Emergency contact relationship: *
1. The minimum fundraising amount for each runner/walker is £40 for half marathon, £30 for 10km and 5km. I have made the respective donation.
2. My health condition is suitable for the run/walk I am registering.
3. Running is a moderate-intensity exercise. It is only suitable for those who have regular running and are in good physical condition to participate. Those who do less exercise but want to contribute to fundraising, it is recommended to participate in the 5km walk or just to donate money to support.
4. Pay attention to the weather forecast of the day in advance, and prepare suitable equipment according to the temperature, humidity and weather. Runners are suitable to wear running shoes (avoid brand new running shoes) and sports clothes.
5. Each activity group will have a leader to guide the pace and route of the participants. There will also be a guide on the 5km walk to show you the way. There will be no instructions along the route, so participants should try to follow the group as much as possible, and single lane or in pair on narrow roads to make room for other road users, and try to avoid occupying bicycle lanes.
6. There will be water stations near the midpoint on the routes. Runners are also advised to bring water, sports drinks and food to supplement their energy.
7. If a participant feels unwell or needs help, please notify the leader/guides immediately, or ask other participants for help. The organisers will arrange first aid personnel along the way, and the leader/leader will be responsible for contacting them.

Thanks for your participation. Now, you can create your own link to raise fund for your walk or run from people who know you. Simply click into "I want to fundraise for this" on the top/bottom of the Fundraising PageAfter finishing the input, you can now raise fund for this meaningful event.  The more you raise, the more will be benefited from your kind actions!

多謝你嘅參與,你而家可以開設專為支持你自己嘅籌款連結,將有關連結發比親友叫佢哋捐款支持你嘅行動。你只要在籌款主頁頁頂/頁底點擊 "I want to fundraise for this". 完成簡單登記後,就可以為你今次咁有義意嘅行動籌款。你愈籌得多善款,你就可以令更多人受惠!

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