Voting Questionnaire
The Blue Wave Coalition is committed to electing candidates that share democratic and progressive values.  In order to win in November we need young people 18-30 to turn out and vote.  

Would you please share your thoughts about voting?  This information will be helpful in adapting our strategy for reaching young people with voting information.

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What is your age?
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Have you ever voted?
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If you've never voted, why not?
What sources do you use to keep up with the latest news?   Check any that apply
Name 3 national or local issues that concern you.
How would you react to receiving a personal, handwritten postcard?
I would ignore it
I would be interested/excited
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What other kinds of communication might catch your interest?  Check any that apply
Are you familiar with Vote-by-Mail?  How do you feel about it?
Which of these reasons might convince you to Vote by Mail?     Check any that apply.
Do you need information about where to register, where to vote, or Vote by Mail?
Would any of these issues convince you to vote for or against a candidate? Check any that apply
Absolutely, Yes
Probably, Maybe, Not Sure
No, not at all
Worker Rights
Gun Violence
Minimum Wage
Racial Justice/Equality
Health Care
College Debt
Women's Rights
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What other issues would influence your vote?
This election will definitely change our country.  Youth voices are critical to protect our democracy.  Would you be willing to message your friends about voting?  Add your name & email below.
Cell phone number
Thanks so much for your help!
For voting information, to register to vote or to enroll in Vote-by-Mail go to
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