Free Nature-Based Sensory Expedition Events
Thank you for your interest in joining the FREE nature-based events with Functional Roots!  

Each nature-based event will focus on being mindful with your child(ren) in nature and connecting with other parents and caregivers as we explore different Pittsburgh Parks with Jamie Baumgardner (pediatric OT and Mom). The adventure will include a short child-friendly walk that will lead to an area where children have free-play with a themed activity and loose parts where they can connect with their peers, practice sensory-motor skills, and expand imaginative play skills. Events may run 30-60 minutes but you are welcome to stay and play longer!

Please fill out the form below for each event you plan to attend. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates in the event of cancellations for extreme weather conditions. 

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Correo *
Full name *
Number of Kids attending *
Ages of child(ren) *
Which event(s) will you attend? *
I understand that I am responsible for supervising my child(ren) for the duration of the event and keeping my child safe in the outdoor conditions. I understand that I am exploring a community location at my own discretion and Functional Roots is not liable for any incident that may occur during the event. *
Jamie Baumgardner is a licensed occupational therapist and may provide support and developmental tips during the events for educational purposes only. It is recommended to consult your child's medical and/or individual therapy team with concerns. *
Share any personal comments or feedback 
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