Weather API Scholarship Competition
Thanks for participating in the Weather API Scholarship Competition! Please fill out the form below by September 15th, and our team of judges will evaluate your project before announcing a winner on October 2nd.

Questions? Reach out to
Přihlaste se do Googlu, abyste mohli uložit dosavadní postup. Další informace

What is your name and/or team name?


What is your email address?


What is the title of your project?

Please provide a 1-2 sentence summary of your project explaining what it is and its envisioned impact. *
Please submit a link to a blog post or video that explains what your project is about. These can be as long or short as you'd like and will be featured on

If written, please be sure to mention and include this link ( somewhere on the page!

Here is an example from a past winner!
Vymazat formulář
Nikdy přes Formuláře Google neposílejte hesla.
Tento formulář byl vytvořen v doméně Nahlásit zneužití