Event Registration 活動報名 

【場次一】電影放映及導演座談 Screening & Director's Talk

Director 導演|Badrul Hisham Ismail
Time 時間|2024.05.02(Thursday) 1830 - 2100
Venue 地點|政治大學新聞館展演廳 Performance Hall, Journalism Building, NCCU

國立政治大學傳播學院研究暨發展中心 主辦
Organized by the Media Research and Development Center, College of Communication, National Chengchi University.

國立政治大學廣播電視學系 協辦
Co-organizer by Department of Radio and Television, National Chengchi University.

Maryam Pagi ke Malam 瑪立安的日與夜
103'|馬來西亞 Malaysia|2023|馬來語、英文字幕 Malay with English subtitles


Director Ismail will attend the screening and discussion, bringing different narratives on daily living in Malaysia. He will share his creative philosophy and production process, discussing how to tell the story of a Muslim woman facing numerous challenges within the real societal system. Through his lens, the director depicts the hidden power dynamics in seemingly peaceful everyday life, raising issues that he wants to challenge.

Maryam is a 50-year-old woman of Muslim origin, who comes from a wealthy family with aristocratic ties. Beautiful, intelligent, and serene, she is an art gallery director. At work, she meets a young African man from Sierra Leone, whom Maryam wishes to marry. Unfortunately, the patriarchal local law doesn’t allow the wedding unless her father consents – and he is far from willing to do so. — IFFR website.

Writer and independent filmmaker.Co-founder and content editor at the Malay-language arts journal Svara.

This event will be conducted in English.

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