Northern Plains District Conference 2020 Registration Form
** Delegates, your registration fee is paid and you will receive a book,  however, you still need to fill out this form

Doing things differently… District Conference will be a virtual conference using different platforms such as ZOOM and pre-recorded videos on YouTube.  We are still asking you to register for conference this year.  For you to take part of conference, we need your email address and your phone number along with your mailing address so we can share needed information with you.  We are  very aware and  sensitive about those without email and/or computer.  We are doing our best to accommodate these persons.

** If you want to have access to your conference, we need your emails!
** If you have no emails, we need your phone number for you to join us!
** If you want a printed conference booklet, we are asking you to order one below.
** A digital conference booklet will be made available at no cost.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Please enter information for each person in your household, leaving any extra questions blank.  If you have more than 6 people to register, fill out another form after this one.  Those younger than kindergarten need not register.
Person 1 - Name *
Person 1 - Age Group *
Person 1 - Delegate? *
Person 2 - Name
Person 2 - Age Group
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Person 2 - Delegate?
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Person 3 - Name
Person 3 - Age Group
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Person 3 - Delegate?
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Person 4 - Name
Person 4 - Age Group
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Person 4 - Delegate?
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Person 5 - Name
Person 5 - Age Group
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Person 5 - Delegate?
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Person 6 - Name
Person 6 - Age Group
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Person 6 - Delegate?
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Please fill out contact information for your household and indicate how many physical copies of the conference booklet you would like.  You may allocate a gift offering too.  If you would like the physical booklets or to make a donation, please visit to complete payment.
Address (including state & zip) *
Congregation *
Phone number *
Cell? *
Would you be willing to receive text information about District Conference? *
Number of physical booklets needed ($5 each)
Optional Offering Gift Amount
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This form was created inside of Northern Plains District Church of the Brethren.

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