TUMC Preschool Registration 2025-2026
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Email *
Child's First Name *
Child's Last Name *
Date of Birth *
Gender *
Preferred Dominant Hand *
Siblings?  Ages? *
Please describe any preferences for music, drawing, pretend play, etc. *
Does your child prefer to learn through sight, sound, or touch?  Please describe *
Please describe any fears your child may have. *
Please describe your child's personality. *
Does your child have any allergies? *
Does you child have any medical conditions?  (Please describe and include if medication must be kept onsite),  F.A.R.E. plans must be signed by your doctor. *
Please share any other information that will help us get to know your child. *
Is your child FULLY potty tranined? (Must be fully potty trained to enter the 3 year old program). *
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