Intake Form-Consulting/Coaching Services
Please provide any information related to your case.  Be as detailed as possible to get the most out of your meetings. NOTE: Consulting/Coaching packages do NOT cover Trial Prep, this is a completely different and separate service. 
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Email *
Full Name (and Social Media Name) *
What are your goals for your case and how can we achieve them together? BE SPECIFIC as we will use this info to track your progress in achieving your specific goals. NOTE: Not all goals will be achieved as there are several variables that affect your ability to reach each of them.  *
Are you interested in payment plan options? If so please give details. NOTE: We make every effort to try to accommodate you but there are no guarantees that we can. We need to be sure it fits into how process. *
Pronouns preferred: *
Jurisdiction/State for your case: *
Which Lane are you in right now? Try to limit your choices to only 2 Lanes.  *
If you have an account on your Court's portal please provide that login info. NOTE: You can opt to have us do your e-filing if your court allows it so we need for you to set up an account on your court's portal for us to do that.  *
Are you working with any of the following? *
Which resources you think are most helpful for you? *
Provide any important dates and the details for them for your specific case:  *
Is the other party or the child(ren) represented by an attorney? if not, were they ever? *
Names of all attorneys, Guardian ad Litem(s), judges, etc. involved or was involved in the case. *
State the details of your Case - NOTE: It is extremely important that you provide dates, locations, behaviors, actions, etc. anything relevant to your case. ALSO: If you have a Timeline/History feel free to upload that. *
What are the challenges you're most concerned about? With respect to the Other Party, lawyers, Guardian ad Litems, the judge, the law, court procedure, etc. Anything that affects your case. *
Please share any special circumstances you have that we need to know about to help us to help you best. For example, any emotional, mental or physical limitations, are you neurodivergent, etc. *
What exactly do you want us to address as we work together? Be very specific so that we can help you better. *
Please set trackable goal(s) for your case based on how long we will be working together. If we are working 1:1 for one month, what would you like for US to get accomplished in that month. If we have 3 months, then set goals that we can track over 3 months. And same for 6 months. This will help us stay on course and hold us with accountable. *
Provide a timeline of events if you can. (You can upload your previously drafted copy.) *
To qualify for our Promise* it is recommended that you work with Tracey Bee for a 3-month period. But a 1-month commitment may qualifies you based on the issues of your case.  In addition, you will need to set a short-term goal from the beginning of our work together to use as a marker to track your progress. 
What is your short term (3-month) goal for our work together? I.e. presenting in court, using court language, organizing evidence, etc. BE AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE. We will discuss the probability of reaching the goal(s) within the 3-month period. 
Type of Service You Might Need as part of the Consultation package: *Some things are limited or only provided in certain circumstances.  *
Choose the court documents you have. You will have to upload them. *
Choose the issues that apply to your case. *
Choose all of the proof, evidence, etc. you plan to use to support your claim/case.  *
List Everything you are seeking in your Divorce &/or Custody matter.  Give details for each.
Parenting Time/Schedule
Extracurricular Activities & School Costs/Fees
Tax Dependent/Filing
Personal Property
Real Property
Attorney Fees
Are you interested in working with any of the following: CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY (we have a Referral list that might be helpful). *
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