Climate Change Education in Africa: An Assessment of Provisions and Needs

Dear Colleagues,

Invitation to Contribute to a Survey on Climate Change Education at Universities in Africa

A team from the Research and Transfer Centre "Sustainable Development and Climate Change Management at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences in Germany,  together with the Inter-University Sustainable Development Research Programme (IUSDRP), and International Climate Change Information and Research Programme (ICCIRP)  is undertaking a study, aimed at identifying the extent to which universities in Africa are emphasising climate change education as part of their initiatives.

We would like to invite staff and lecturers at universities in Africa to take part on this survey, which takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. All individual answers will be treated with confidentiality, and no personal data will be gathered or stored. If you wish to receive a copy of the results, please state so, by using the box at the end of the questionnaire.

Thank you for your contribution.

The Research Team

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