Presentation Request Form
Thank you for your interest in a presentation or workshop by the Career and Student Employment Services team. Please complete the form below to provide the details of your request. A member of our team will reach out to you within two business days to confirm your presentation and finalize the details.

* Please note: We prefer you submit your request two weeks in advance of the date of your presentation; we may not be able to accommodate requests submitted less than two weeks out.
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Audience: Full name of class (eg, HIST 1000), department (eg, WMU Signature), or Registered Student Organization (eg, Alpha Chi Omega) *
Number of Attendees *
Contact Person (name AND email required) *
Preferred Date *
Preferred Time *
Alternate Date *
Alternate Time *
Preferred Location *
Preferred Topic (you may select more than one) *
Wajib diisi
Please list any additional instructions, information, or necessary details for this presentation.
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