Latina Insight Academy Application Form
Thank you for your interest in joining the next Latina Insight Academy Career Strategy Group!  The next group will begin soon.

Please provide your choices and brief answers to the following questions. This is meant to be what comes to mind first - do not spend too much time on each open ended answer. We will explore these concepts during our sessions.

Once you submit this form, you will receive additional information to set up an individual meeting with Dr. Sofia Pertuz.
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E-mail *
First Name *
Last Name *
Mobile Number *
How did you hear about this group? Who referred you?
Where do you currently live? (City, State)
How would you describe your home situation? (For example: I live on my own, I live with family, I live with roommates, etc. and whatever you feel comfortable sharing and that you think might impact your job search or career advancement situation.
What degree(s) have you earned?
LinkedIn Profile Link (if you have one)
Personal website link or Work website or other online places where you are listed (if you have one)
Bio (if you have one written) - if not, no worries, you will have one by the end of our sessions! :)
What are you hoping to learn through this group? List a few topics you would like to learn more about or discuss with the group.
What are the top 2 - 3 challenges/barriers you think you need to overcome in order to advance in your career?
How do you think being Latina/Woman of Color has impacted your career path?
Share one of your proudest moments when being Latina became a positive advantage either during your educational journey, career trajectory or both. Don't be shy! You have to get ready to learn how to brag about yourself.
Where do you usually search for jobs? Which websites? (ie. LinkedIn, Indeed, HigherEdJobs, etc.)
The investment for this Latina Insight Academy experience is $1995, but I am discounting to $1495 as a special introductory offer if you sign up and pay in full at the time of sign up.  However, we do not want the price to be a barrier. There are payment plans and scholarships available. Please indicate your selection below:
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If you would to be considered for a scholarship, please share how participating in this experience will help you advance your career and briefly describe the challenges in your financial situation. How much are you able to pay? You will be notified if you receive a scholarship as soon as possible.
Is there anything else you think I should know about you that would facilitate making this experience as accessible as possible.
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