Better Excel Workshop
Do you want to take your work in Excel and with tables to the next level, and make it easy to collaborate with others? Come learn about tidy principles to format and organize your data.

Learning Objectives:

Explain and utilize tidy principles to effectively organize your data
Format your data to effecitvely utilize it in analyses by yourself and others
Collaborate with data scientists by outputting data formats such as Comma Separated Values (CSVs)
  • Targeted audience: Anyone who wants to collaborate more effectively with Excel
  • Pre-requisites: None
    Commitment: A 1.5 hour workshop with an optional Learning Community Session
  • Workshop date: 2:00 - 3:30 pm PT on October 23, with a Learning Community Session on October 30.
This class is available to the Fred Hutch community. We currently prioritize Fred Hutch employees first, University of Washington employees working with Fred Hutch next, and then University of Washington and Seattle Children's employees.

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If you have any prior experience with programming or data science, please let us know here:
Please read and agree to our code of conduct before you sign up for our class:

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